The Hermeneutic Problem of Understanding Human Existence and Coexistence in the Epoch of Nihilism: J7-4631 (2022–2025)


The Contemporality of the Understanding Context and the Expression of Personal and Social Freedom: J7-8283 (2017–2020)


The Power of Small Istrian Cities (14th–18th Century): L6-5555 (2013–2016)


The Slovenes in Yugoslav Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs Activities in the Period between 1941 and 1980: Outstanding Issues and Research Perspectives: J6-4112 (2011–2014)


Position and Role of Slovenia in the Yugoslav State after World War II (1945–1991): J6-3634 (2010–2013)


Freedom of Speech in Historical, Humanistic, and Social Horizons: J7-3629 (2010–2013)


Arrestations, Deportations, and Liquidations by the Yugoslav Authorities in the Region of the Julian March after May 1, 1945: L6-2388 (2009–2012)


Freedom of Speech and Press; Its Restriction in Slovenia (1945–1991): J6-0946 (2008–2011)


Economic Impact on the Political Turning Points in Slovenia from the “Vormaerz” Period till Independence 1991: J6-9566 (2007–2009)


Comparative Investigation of the Agency of the Security System in the Crisis Situation with Regard to the Problem of Fugitives: V5-0261 (2006–2008)


The Question of Humanity from the Perspective of Cultural, Scientific, and Social Development of Slovenia and the Necessity for a Humanistic Discussion: V6-0278 (2006–2008)


Evaluation of Investments into the Educational Capital and the Youth Work Force Market: V5-0940 (2004–2006)

> The Contemporality of the Context of Understanding and the Expression of Personal and Social Freedom: J7-8283 [2017–2020]

Scientific background

Today’s situation of humanistic sciences could be deemed as being to a great extent paradoxical: on the one hand they are marginalized, on the other hand one often demands from them to offer a wholesome vision of the world, which is more or less missing. Both standpoints can for humanistic research be impeding, therefore within the project proposal we strive to surpass them within the question: what forms the contemporaneity of today’s humanities, which knowledge and which values should they represent in order to be able to respond to the challenges of time and space?

The historical aspect, because of which the humanities often face the accusation of being “scientifically regressive” and “socially conservative”, is within the proposed project postulated as the positive basis for the thematization of contemporaneity, especially with regard to the problem of the expression of social and individual freedom.

Such a direction presupposes the introduction of new interdisciplinary and thematic approaches in the field of humanistic research, which would take into account also the aspect of conceptual historical effectuation. Key conceptual determinations within humanistic research not only stem from certain contexts of understanding and historical-social situations, but they are also being created anew whilst being dealt with in research. We define this aspect of the progressive “historical consciousness”, which always also bears an awareness regarding the present and brings a message for the future, as the concept of the contemporality of the context of understanding.

The concept of contemporality has predominantly been methodically developed within the hermeneutically oriented philosophical tradition, which attempted to offer methodological determinants for research in the field of humanistic sciences and which thus not only touched upon the research con-junctures relative to philosophy, historiography, literary and linguistic sciences, but also upon the general questions of the epistemology of law, sociology, pedagogy, political science and economy, in short, upon everything kind of knowledge that in an emphatic sense constitutes “ the science of man”. The reason for such a broad application lies in the direct temporal effectuation of the context of understanding that in itself in-tends to be expressed in a meaningful manner.

With the purpose to prevent any kind of research and disciplinary syncretism the effectuation of the entire project is subjected to a common research methodology characterized by the elaboration of the contemporality of the context of understanding and of its influence upon the formation of individual and social freedom. As evident from the presentation of research topics the themes are in terms of preparation and realization mutually intertwined presupposing a wholesome development of interdisciplinary research in the field of the humanities and of its social application.

Presentation of the problem

The existing analyses of the context of understanding or of the structure of meaning within the hermeneutical as well as the structuralist and the socio-critical discourse have insufficiently considered and discussed its direct connection with the expression of individual and social freedom. Within the proposed project a special emphasis is given to the task of demonstrating the dimension of the historical effectuation that opens up the space and the time of our contemporaneity, and thereby also the possibility of the freedom of action. Insofar as on the basis of historical experience we not only pose questions about who we are, but are at the same time explicitly posed in front of them, one cannot overlook the special authority of historicity with regard to the formation of humanistic knowledge. On the other hand, however, also the freedom of the author, in the past, in the present as well as in the future, cannot be disavowed. In the field of his own expression the author often meets with disregard or even disdain that co-condition the continuity or the discontinuity of the reception of his work in the passing of time.

Thus a special task of humanistic research that investigates the historical and the contemporary aspect of the comprehension and the expression of freedom can be formulated, particularly regarding the realms where there have been or even still are instances of the restriction of freedom, which have directly influenced the reception not only of the expression, but also of the freedom itself. Censorship in the function of the social control of public expression represents only one aspect of the suppression and also oppression against the expressed context of understanding with regard to its contemporary effectuation. One must take into account also the interior way of selflimitation of the senseful expression by manner of becoming nonsense, which concerns and reaches onto the plane of the creative expression itself and even of the witnessing. The other exterior way of the restriction of free expression and of the (p)re-arranging of the context of understanding, often with the intent to direct it and to subordinate it to the higher “state” economic interests, is the activity of secret services.

This latter aspect inevitably poses the question of the transparency of public communication as one of the essential implements of development of the democratic society, which has in the age of the internet and of the expansion of information technologies been often put to the test, and which thus demonstrates the necessity of humanistic and sociological discussion that would contribute the appropriate consciousness and awareness regarding the contemporary contexts of understanding of the individual and the social freedom, which we otherwise commonly relate to as the crisis of meaning.

Key research objectives:

> The analysis of philosophical, historical, literary-historical and socio-critical comprehension of freedom in the past and in the present with the intention of a synthetic projection that surpasses the alleged regressivity of humanistic knowledge in the direction of the progressivity of developing methods, contents and applications.

> On the basis of progressive interdisciplinary interlinking of humanistic and sociological approaches towards the discussion of understanding (and) of freedom a view upon the future can be opened that bears awareness of the value of European existence and coexistence, which can also be of worth in the perspective of global humanity.

> This direction of research demands taking a different stance towards historical and linguistic-cultural determination of humanistic knowledge and towards transference of humanistic and sociological expertise into education, culture and society in general. Instead of accentuating “scientific deficiency” and “application deficit” of humanistic research, which are supposed to be supplemented with the transposition of more appropriate methodologies of other sciences, we believe that precisely here lies the opportunity to create new approaches in the field of the humanities.

> In this regard the main focus of the project proposal is dedicated to the question of communicational essence of tradition within the formation of contexts of understanding that are the expression of personal and interpersonal freedom. The question what freedom historically and actually means can be answered only through the expression of freedom.

> This correspondence between the contexts of understanding and the expression of freedom will be discussed within the concept of contemporality, which entails also the experience of presence (the present time) of our immediate life situation that is not bound exclusively by our actual state and life stances within it, but comprises also horizons of the past and the future, that is to say, our entire understanding of existence in the world, to which we are bearing witness.


Head of the research project: Prof Dean Komel, PhD

Presentation of the Research Group

1 22467 PhD Bajc Gorazd Historiography Researcher 2017- 2020
2 34049 PhD Bilban Tina Philosophy Researcher 2017- 2020
3 30959 PhD Božič Andrej Philosophy Researcher 2017- 2020
4 10728 PhD Darovec Darko Historiography Researcher 2017- 2020
5 37533 PhD Erzetič Manca Philosophy Researcher 2017- 2020
6 11361 PhD Friš Darko Historiography Researcher 2017- 2020
7 30254   Horvat Eva   Technical associate 2017- 2020
8 12709 PhD Komel Andrina Philosophy Researcher 2017- 2020
9 11259 PhD Komel Dean Philosophy Head 2017- 2020
10 38040 PhD Kukovec Damjan Inter. res. Researcher 2017- 2020
11 34515 PhD Lampe Urška   Researcher 2017- 2020
12 11963 PhD Matjašič Friš Mateja Historiography Researcher 2019- 2020
13 33696 PhD Maver Aleš Historiography Researcher 2017- 2020
14 09230 PhD Miladinović Zalaznik Mira                 emeritus Reseacher   2018- 2020
15 12275 PhD Nežmah Bernard Culturology Researcher 2017- 2020
16 13353 PhD Potočnik Dragan Historiography Researcher 2017- 2018
17 30253   Stanišič Jožica   Technical associate 2017- 2020
18 37960   Stopar Žiga   Technical associate 2017- 2020
19 37961   Zalaznik Tomaž   Technical associate 2017- 2020

Relevance to the Development of Scientific Field

The implementation of the research project will contribute to disciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific development in two ways: the first is related to the conceptualization of “understanding context” as a possible basis for interdisciplinary humanities; the second is related to the development of “expression of freedom” through the past and present. Previous research on both topics took place separately and without considering interwar connections, meaning that this approach limited both the interdisciplinary development of humanistic research and its application to the contemporary social situation. In this respect, the implementation of the research project paved the way for the still unexplored perspectives of the humanities within social development as a whole.

The application of humanistic knowledge to the phenomenon of social freedom and justice, with an emphasis on its existential and co-existential experience, can thus be considered a special research contribution within established social sciences. This is because the social sciences, due to their objectivist orientation, tend to neglect individual embeddedness in the world. The project also conceives the possibility of developing an understanding of context in direct communication as well as in its theoretical range. Today, interpersonal communication is marked by the ubiquity of information communication, which, due to its boundless potential, can only serve as an overview of the extent of establishing interpersonal dialogue at various levels; this leads to various conflict situations.

The definition of this boundary founds the basic aspect of dealing with the problem of expressing freedom that is of local and global relevance, which was provided in the project within the conceptualization of contemporaneity as a basic element of the impact of the humanities in space and time. The approach of the humanities to various problem aspects (historical, philosophical, scientific, cultural, artistic, social) is not only a matter of actualization but is an extension of the whole field of experience concerning human meaning itself. This also contains a key condition for the possibility of creating social responsibility, in relation to which we otherwise find value disorientation and nihilism. Developing an interdisciplinary humanities based on the contemporaneous effect of an understanding of context can open up a path to confronting a crisis of values.

In this respect, the renewal of the field of interdisciplinary research, which has not been sufficiently developed in previous research contributions in the humanities, should be emphasized as a particularly relevant aspect of the research project – alongside its understanding and interpretation procedures. The research within the project combines analytical and synthetic aspects of the thematic discussion in order to establish a progressive interdisciplinary humanistic methodology that occupies an intermediate space between theory and application and thus bridges the gap between the two.

The progressive integration of analytical and synthetic aspects of research can contribute to new aspects of the embedding of humanistic knowledge that is inextricably linked to value formation – the humanities cannot avoid talking about the meaning of humanity and everything that determines it; as part of the present project, the value definition of freedom is thus fully emphasized.


Impact of the Research Project for Society (Development of Slovenia)

The results of the project can directly further the formation of a more suitable environment for cultural and socio-economic development (which is one of the strategic priorities of both Slovenia and the EU), as the project presupposes parallel developing and ensuring of individual and social freedom, while enforcing democratic norms for social regulation and governance.

A large part of the research within this project deals with the Slovenian and European historical formations and discussions of the current social situation in Slovenia and Europe. These are largely conditioned by political and cultural circumstances of the recent and distant past. In this respect, cooperation with domestic and foreign external experts was important in terms of both organization and research, and this also directly entails academic mobility.

Within the framework of the project research, the study of lesser-known chapters from Slovenian history stands out; these chapters are also based on testimonial sources. At the same time, the validity of testimonial intervention in documentary and artistic activities for shaping humanistic knowledge and its application in the social space was demonstrated.

A special aspect of the discussion lies also in the critical reflection on the position of the Slovenian language, which not only has a broader cultural and political significance but also forms a fundamental element of the humanities. At the same time, the relevance of multilingualism for the development of intercultural communication was emphasized –namely, that in which humanistic research, educational and cultural activities are also actively involved today. For Slovenia, the use of the country’s own language as well as the development of multiculturalism has not only a narrower cultural and educational significance; it also directly and indirectly affects Slovenia’s socio-economic and international-political position.

It should also be noted that in the framework of the project implementation an important step was taken towards addressing social freedom in Slovenia and Europe. Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall we are already seeing a crisis at the level of definition, not to mention at the level of institutions. The implementation of the project sought to determine the extent to which this crisis of perception of freedom is directly related to the tradition and message of fundamental humanistic values. Nihilism in terms of values permeates the entire Slovenian and European social discussion, and this has a negative effect on decisions regarding future development – or rather it leaves behind a state of indecision.

In terms of the implementation of study activities and the involvement of members of the group’s projects in higher education programmes, the impact of the results of the research project on the better implementation of study programmes can be expected.

Execution of the Research Project

I. Philosophical frame: 1. Understanding and communication; 2. Contemporality of the understanding context: relation to the testimonials, articulations, convictions and persuasions; 3. Contemporality and contemplation – cultural and scientific junctions.

Contributions:  Bilban 2018 (513704322), Bilban 2019 (513833346),  Erzetič 2020 (43535107), Komel 2018 (65096546), Komel 2019 (304580608), Komel 2018 (513833090) Komel 2020 (35752195) Komel 2021(56809475), Komel Tonkli 2018 [ 513699970]

II. Literary-historical frame: 1: Literature in relation to the historical context of understanding; 2. Author and the authority of history: Persecuted, discriminated, excluded, forgotten and undiscovered authors and witnesses.

 Contributions: Bilban 2019 (513834114),  Božič 2019 (513838210), Erzetič 2017 (1625741), Komel 2020 (25504771),Miladinović Zalaznik 2018 (513781122), Miladinović Zalaznik 2018 (68408162 ), Miladinović Zalaznik 2019 (69292642), Miladinović Zalaznik 2021 (56939011)

III. Historical and social theoretical frame: 1. Historical description and interpretation of sources; 2. Social relations and rights of the individual through time; 3. History in the foreground; political and social systems and the understanding of the freedoms and rights; 4. History in the background: censorship, dissidents, secret services; 5 Hierarchical structures of society and social justice.

Contributions Bajc, Osojnik, Friš 2019 (1597061), Bajc, Melanšek, Friš 2020 Friš, Bajc (45217283),  1537925, Erzetič 2021 (50028035), Miladinović Zalaznik 2018 (68408162), Miladinović Zalaznik 2018 Miladinović Zalaznik (56939011), Miladinović Zalaznik 2021 (56939011).

IV. Freedom and justice in the social-critical and humanistic perspectives (synthetic research): Thematic fields of the humanistic discussion upon the progressive understanding of the expression of freedom today: – Socio-economic crisis and crisis of humanity – Individual freedom /social freedom – Freedom and social equality – Media freedom between politics and capital: blurred freedom in a democracy – Civil society and freedom of speech – Political responsibility in relation to freedom and justice – Freedom and respect of human rights – Autonomy of the creativity, research and education – Human values in relation to the scientific development – Human values and their importance in the information and communication society – Freedom of communication, coexistence, interculturality and the social perspectives.

Contributions : Komel/Zalaznik 2017 (292610304), Adam, Zalaznik, Komel 2018 (297366528) , l Komel 2018 (66687074), Komel 2019 (304580608), Komel 2021 (56809475), Nežmah 2018 (513685890) Nežmah 2019 (304320256), Zalaznik/Komel/Zalaznik 2019 (301292800), Komel 2019 (297737216) Miladinović/Komel 2018 (66686562), Miladinović/Komel 2020 (33180675) Lampe (513838722), Komel/Miladinović Zalaznik/Zalaznik 2019 (301292800), Wintersteiner/Miladinović (20259843) Komel 2019 (297737216), Komel 2021 (56809475). 

Plan of Activities:

1. The website of the project:

2. Two international conferences will be organized within the activities of the international Humanities Forum.(

  • Europe at the crossroads of contemporary world : 100 years after the Great War : Forhum international conference : Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio, Italien, vom 6. bis zum 9. September 2018

  • Europa östlich des Westens : 30 Jahre Transition – Quo vadis? : international conference, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, September 28-30, 2019, [Pécs].

3. Two scientific conferences “Contemporality of the Context of Understanding” (contributions to the scientific and expert foundation of the execution of the project by enabling a concise overview over the attained results and a detailed discussion of methodical and topical aspects of themes in question)

4. Throughout all three years: thematic discussions entitled “The Present for the Future” with the purpose of the transference of humanistic knowledge to the wider interested public. (

Selected presentations:

5. Workshops for graduate and postgraduate students

Humanistic Correspondences;

Scars of History. International Workshop on Totalitarianism , 21.-28. 6. 2019  in

Totalitarizmi skozi 20. stoletje, [Erzetič COBISS.SI-ID 50251267] 14.-18. 9. 10, 2020 [Erzetič COBISS.SI-ID 50251267]

6. Publication of special thematic sections comprising of papers of the members of the research group and outside scientific experts in internationally acknowledged journals for philosophy and historiography, which are being edited by the members of the project group:

Phainomena, 2007-2021 /

Annales, Ser. hist. sociol., Vol. 29, 2019, Nr. 4 (

Studia Historica Slovenica

7. Publications ( print and e-pub) of four collective volumes and five monographic publications within the book collection of the Humanities Forum; original papers in the collective volumes ensuing from other international conferences and in different international journals and monographic publications.


A. Original scientific article

BAJC, Gorazd, MELANŠEK, Tadeja, FRIŠ, Darko. Uvod v zgodovino spremljanja britanske obveščevalne dejavnosti na Slovenskem – “samoevalvacije” slovenske Službe državne varnosti. Studia Historica Slovenica, 2020, 20, 3. [COBISS.SI-ID 45217283]

BAJC, Gorazd, OSOJNIK, Janez, FRIŠ, Darko. Nekateri vidiki mednarodnega priznanja Slovenije s posebnim ozirom na ameriški pogled, junij 1991-april 1992. Studia Historica Slovenica 2019, 19,1, 217-256. [COBISS.SI-ID 1597061].

BOŽIČ, Andrej. Pesniški kon-tekst(i) ob rob pesmi Paula Celana “Unlesbarkeit”. Annales :Series historia et sociologia, ISSN 1408-5348. [Tiskana izd.], 2019, letn. 29, št. 4, str. 603-612, ilustr.. [COBISS.SI-ID 513838210],

BILBAN, Tina. Življenjski svet kot temelj razumevanja znanosti. Annales: Series historia et sociologia, 2019, 29, 4, 549-562. [COBISS.SI-ID 513833346]

BILBAN, Tina. The potential role of literature in overcoming the denialism of ageing.  Phainomena, , 2019, 28,110/111, 323-354, [COBISS.SI-ID 513834114]

BILBAN, Tina. O človeški naravi in filozofskem premisleku znanstvenega napredka = On human nature and philosophical refelection of scientific progress. Phainomena, 2018, lent. 27, 104/105, 311-320, [COBISS.SI-ID 513704322].

DAROVEC, Darko. Faciamus vindictam : maščevalni umor in oprostilna sodba v Landarju leta 1401 med obredom maščevanja ter akuzatornim in inkvizitornim sodnim procesom. Acta Histriae, [COBISS.SI-ID 1531525],

ERZETIČ, Manca. Eksistencialna opredelitev pričevanja . Phainomena, 2020, 29,  114/115, 109-129, [COBISS.SI-ID 43535107]

ERZETIČ, Manca. Ruska revolucija skozi prizmo Kosovelovega nazora in poezije. Monitor ISH : 2018, 20,1, 123-137. [COBISS.SI-ID 1625741]

FRIŠ, Darko, GOSTENČNIK, Nina. Dr. Alojzij Juvan – drugič na čelu mariborske mestne občine (1935-1941). Acta Histriae 2018, 26, 1, 181-206, [COBISS.SI-ID 1537413 .

FRIŠ, Darko, BAJC, Gorazd. Iz Istre v Avstrijo? : nekateri vidiki ameriških in britanskih obveščevalnih služb 2018,  26, št. 1, 251-276. [COBISS.SI-ID 1537925]

KOMEL, Dean. El final del humanismo como lugar del pensar de Pirjevec. Cuestiones de filosofía, 2020,  6,  26 [COBISS.SI-ID 25504771]

KOMEL, Dean. Die Geschichtlichkeit Europas und die Schatten des Nihilismus. Teoria , 2020, vol. 40,  1, 31-39. [COBISS.SI-ID 16762115]

KOMEL, Dean. Kontemporalnost razumevanjskega konteksta kot podlaga interdisciplinarne humanistike. Annales : Series historia et sociologia,  2019,  29,  4,  531-548,[COBISS.SI-ID 513833090]

KOMEL, Dean. The influence of Heideggerʼs thought on the development of philosophy in ex-Yugoslav countries. Human studies, 2018, 41, 4, 643-660.  [COBISS.SI-ID 65096546

KOMEL, Dean. Revolucija med ideologijo, zgodovino in filozofijo : svetovni imperializem. Monitor ISH, 2018, 20,  1, 197-226. [COBISS.SI-ID 1626509]

KOMEL, Dean. Veliki oktober in veseli december : o nekaterih vprašanjih oktobrske revolucije in revolucije sploh. Studia Historica Slovenica, 2018,  18, 3,737-753,. [COBISS.SI-ID 1573765],

LAMPE, Urška. Zaščita civilnih oseb v času vojne med preteklostjo, sedanjostjo in prihodnostjo. Annales :Series historia et sociologia, 2019, 29,  4,  625-644, [COBISS.SI-ID 513838722],

MAVER, Aleš. Državljanske vojne v “krščanskih časih”. Annales : , Series historia et sociologia,  2020, 20, št. 3, 435-446.  [COBISS.SI-ID 61521923]

MAVER, Aleš, MAVER ŠOBA, Nataša, FRIŠ, Darko. Med pobožnostjo in gradnjo socializma : celjski Koledar Družbe Sv. Mohorja med letoma 1945 in 1956. Annales , Series historia et sociologia, 2019, 29, 3, 437-454, [COBISS.SI-ID 1596037]

MAVER, Aleš, FRIŠ, Darko. Iudica me, Deus : duhovniki v politiki na Slovenskem ter v srednji Evropi v prvi polovici 20. stoletja in Anton Korošec. Acta Histriae, 2018, 26, 1, str. 109-126.

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Nepartizanski odpor proti okupatorju na Slovenskem : primer plemiške družine Maasburg in sorodnikov. Annales :  Series historia et sociologia,  2019, 29, 4, 645-660.[COBISS.SI-ID 513838978]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Alice Schalek na črnogorski meji. Acta Histriae, 2018, 26, 2, 539-556. [COBISS.SI-ID 513781122],

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Die Familie Maschek von Maasburg und ihre historischen Bezüge zu Slowenien. Österreich in Geschichte und Literatur mit Geographie, I, 2018, 62, 3, 04-317. [COBISS.SI-ID 68408162]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Vpliv oktobrske revolucije na družino barona Johanna von Maasburga, avstro-ogrskega generalmajorja v pokoju iz Vipave. Studia Historica Slovenica, 2018, 18, 3, 755-774. [COBISS.SI-ID 1574021].

NEŽMAH, Bernard. Oktobrska revolucija med mitom in realnostjo. Studia Historica Slovenica, 2020, 20, 1, 119-141 [COBISS.SI-ID 46162435]

NEŽMAH, Bernard. Oktobrska revolucija kot levi fašizem : od lomljenja kapitalistov do lomljenja umetnikov. Monitor ISH, 2018, 20, 1, 179-196.

TONKLI-KOMEL, Andrina. The dynasty of logos : Gorgias’ fight for Helen. Teoria, 2018, 38, 1, 107-119. [COBISS.SI-ID 513699970]

B. Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

BAJC, Gorazd. A reflection on historiographies regarding intelligence services : the case of Julian Venetia during the Second World War. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), et al.  Freedom and justice as a challenge of the humanities. Bern [etc.]: P. Lang. cop. 2018, 255-281. [COBISS.SI-ID 24186632]

ERZETIČ, Manca. Goli otok kot totalitaristična zastraševalna metoda. V: ERZETIČ, Manca (ur.). Goli otok po sedemdesetih letih. Ljubljana: INR. 2021, str. 35-50. [COBISS.SI-ID 50483715]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Hundert Jahre nach dem Großen Krieg am Isonzo Fallbeispiele Maasburg, Schalek, Musil, Kuhar. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), KOMEL, Dean (ur.). Europe at the crossroads of contemporary world : . Ljubljana: INR. 2020, 147-164. [COBISS.SI-ID 36387331]

KOMEL, Dean. Ein Jahrhundert der Krise : Europa und der Geist der Philosophie. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), KOMEL, Dean (ur.). Europe at the crossroads of contemporary world : 100 years after the Great War,. Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije. 2020, 257-271. [COBISS.SI-ID 35752195]

KOMEL, Dean. Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit als zentrale Determinanten der politischen Welt. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), et al.  Freedom and justice as a challenge of the humanities. Bern [etc.]: P. Lang. cop. 2018, 73-84. [COBISS.SI-ID 66687074]

KOMEL, Dean. Kontemporalität als Fragehorizont der Philosophie. V: ANGELOVA, Paula (ur.), ANDREEV, Jassen (ur.), LENSKY, Emil (ur.). Das interpretative Universum : Dimitri Ginev zum 60. Geburtstag. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2017, 471-483. [COBISS.SI-ID 65056354]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Welche Freiheiten hatten Johann, Friedrich und Nikolaus von Maasburg im 20. Jahrhundert?. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), et al.  Freedom and justice as a challenge of the humanities. Bern [etc.]: P. Lang. cop. 2018, 205-223. [COBISS.SI-ID 66816354]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Dolžnost spomina – Goli otok danes. V: ERZETIČ, Manca (ur.). Goli otok po sedemdesetih letih,. Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije. 2021, 53-66. [COBISS.SI-ID 61028611]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Hundert Jahre nach dem Großen Krieg am Isonzo Fallbeispiele Maasburg, Schalek, Musil, Kuhar. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), KOMEL, Dean (ur.). Europe at the crossroads of contemporary world : . Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije. 2020, 147-164. [COBISS.SI-ID 36387331]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Ein anderes Bild Robert Musils. V: KONDRIČ HORVAT, Vesna (ur.), et al. Literarische Freiräume : Festschrift für Neva Šlibar,. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. 2019, 107-118. [COBISS.SI-ID 69292642]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Welche Freiheiten hatten Johann, Friedrich und Nikolaus von Maasburg im 20. Jahrhundert?. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), et al. Freedom and justice as a challenge of the humanities. Bern [etc.]: P. Lang. cop. 2018, 205-223. [COBISS.SI-ID 66816354]

NEŽMAH, Bernard. Goli spomin na Goli otok. V: ERZETIČ, Manca (ur.). Goli otok po sedemdesetih letih. Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije. 2021, 137-157. [COBISS.SI-ID 61031683]

NEŽMAH, Bernard. What is the position of the humanities in mass media?. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), et al. Freedom and justice as a challenge of the humanities. Bern [etc.]: P. Lang. cop. 2018, 315-322. [COBISS.SI-ID 513685890]: 

POVOLO, Claudio, DAROVEC, Darko. Vendetta and banishment. V: MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.), et al. Freedom and justice as a challenge of the humanities. Bern [etc.]: P. Lang. cop. 2018, 227-253. [COBISS.SI-ID 513686402]

C. Scientific monographs

ERZETIČ, Manca (ed.). Goli otok po sedemdesetih letih, (Humanistična zbirka INR). Ur. Manca ERZETIČ  (urednik) Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije, 2021. 190 str., ISBN 978-961-7014-25-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 50028035]

KOMEL, Dean. Totalitarium : (Humanistična zbirka INR). Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije, 2019. 254 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 304580608]

KOMEL, Dean. Horizonti kontemporalnosti :  Ljubljana: INR, 2021. 216 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 56809475]

MILADINOVIĆ-ZALAZNIK, Mira: Zgubljeni spomin Vipave : generalmajor Johann von Maasburg in njegovi. Ljubljana: INR 2021. 671 str.  [COBISS.SI-ID 56939011]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira, KOMEL, Dean (eds.). Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit als Herausforderung der Humanwissenschaften = Freedom and justice as a challenge of the humanities. Bern [etc.]: P. Lang, cop. 2018. 376 str. ISBN 978-3-0343-3170-8. COBISS.SI-ID 66686562

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira , KOMEL, Dean (eds). Europe at the crossroads of contemporary world : 100 years after the Great War. Europa an den Scheidewegen der gegenwärtigen Welt : 100 Jahre nach dem Großen Krieg, (Zbirka Forhum). Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije, 2020. 400 str. ISBN 978-961-7014-23-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 33180675]

NEŽMAH, Bernard. Fragmenti o novinarskem pisanju :  Ljubljana: INR 2019. 124 str.  [COBISS.SI-ID 304320256]

D. Professional monographs

KOMEL, Dean (urednik), ZALAZNIK, Tomaž (urednik). Spoprijem z razmerami in razmerji v Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije, zavod za humanistiko, 2017. 207 str.,. [COBISS.SI-ID 292610304]

ADAM, Frane (urednik), KOMEL, Dean (urednik), ZALAZNIK, Tomaž (urednik). Spoprijem z razmerami in razmerji v Sloveniji : 1.1. Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije, zavod za humanistiko, 2018. 154 str.  [COBISS.SI-ID297366528 ]

ZALAZNIK, Tomaž (urednik, avtor), KOMEL, Dean (urednik). Od monopola do konkurence. Zahteva za kvaliteten, nediskriminatoren in konkurenčen razvoj javne službe v Republiki Sloveniji, (Zbirka Spoprijem z razmerami in razmerji v Sloveniji). Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije, zavod za humanistiko, 2019. 122 str.  [COBISS.SI-ID 

WINTERSTEINER, Werner (ur.), MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira (ur.). Manifest|o Alpe-Adria : Stimmen für eine Europa-Region des Friedens und Wohlstands = voci per una regione europea di pace e prosperità = glasovi za evropsko regijo miru in blagostanja. Wien: Löcker. 2020

E. Conference contributions and  invited lectures at foreign university


BAJC, Gorazd. Allied missions and partisan resistance in Northeast Italy : Vortrag an der Konferenz Transnationaler Widerstand und Befreiung 1945, Universität Innsbruck, 29. März 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 24480008]

BILBAN, Tina. A Phenomenological approach to QM: better understanding of contemporary philosophy of QM by revisiting Bohr and Husser : lecture at International Conference Phenomenological Approaches to Physics Historical and Philosophical Perspectives University of Graz, Austria; 14-16 June 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 513707138]

BILBAN, Tina. Informational foundations of quantum theory : critical reconsideration from the point of view of a phenomenologist : predavanje na Quantum mechanics: paradigm or ontology of nature? 2nd Annual Pehnomenological Approaches to Physics Conference, September 26-28 2019, Stony Brook University. [COBISS.SI-ID 513832834]

BOŽIČ, Andrej. The fragility of poetic con-text(s) : predavanje na International Seminar in Philosophy and Education Fragility of Understanding: The Pathways to an Enlarged Self, Wednesday, November 14, 2018, hosted by Arizona State University, Barrett, The Honors College. [COBISS.SI-ID 513748098]

BOŽIČ, Andrej. The inter-world(s) of voice : predavanje na Jesuit University Ignatianum, International summer School in Philosophy and Education, Krakow, Poland, May 28, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 513703554]

KOMEL, Dean. Post-Yugoslav syndrome of dehumanization.). Xenophobia : identity and new forms of nationalism : bscientific conference, October 4-5, 2018, Belgrade. Beograd: Institute of Social Sciences. [COBISS.SI-ID 513750658]

KOMEL, Dean. Die Geschichtlichkeit Europas in der Schatten des Nihilismus : lecture at the International Conference Patterns of Contemporary Nihilism/Formas del Nihilismo Contemporaneo/ “, Pisa 4. – 6. 11. 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 70713442]

KUKOVEC, Damjan. The legal profession’s responsibility for Brexit : predavanje na City Law School, 19. oktober, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 513755010]

KUKOVEC, Damjan. Constitutionalism and social hierarchy : predavanje na konferenci EU Constitutional Imagination: Between ideology and utopia, 1-2 November, 2018, Academic Conference, University of Copenhagen, Facutly of Law. [COBISS.SI-ID 513754754]

KUKOVEC, Damjan. Peaceful contestation : predavanje na work in progress workship Polycentric in the European Union, 8-9 February 2018, Worchester College, University of Oxford. [COBISS.SI-ID 513755778]

MILADINOVIĆ ZALAZNIK, Mira. Das letzte Jahr des Großen Krieges im slowenischen ethnischen Gebiet und die Macht der Presse : was wurde daraus? : Vortrag bei Institut “Moderne im Rheinand” an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 21. 1. 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 513781378]